Monday, 21 May 2012

Morgan, Trevor, Colin, Curtis, Briana, Ryan, Rachelle

A Super Size OiA (tm).

Lots of officials in action at the KYSA Slurpee Cup. Fortunately, I was able to see some of them.
(videos best viewed full screen)

Morgan is an up-and-comer regional candidate, working hard to improve his skills.
In Clip 1 we see Morgan prior to a corner kick. Look at his positioning, right where the penalty arc meets the penalty area, opposite the AR touchline (no AR in this game though). Kick comes in, Morgan adjusts and does a strong goal kick signal before moving to goal kick restart position. Only thing to make this a perfect sequence would be a bit faster movement to the goal kick restart. Hurry up and wait is the referee's mantra. Overall, well done Morgan!

Trevor is a regional candidate. In Clip 2, he correctly starts the match from the FIFA recommended position (left of centre mark, slightly back from the half line). Good strong whistle and arm signal, then fluidly moves to view play (no ARs). Well done Trevor!

In the next Clip, we sneak up and capture Colin finishing a net check. No ARs on his game, but Colin found the time to inspect and check the nets to eliminate having to deal with net problems later. Well done Colin, setting a great example!

Curtis is a friend of OiA (tm), profiled in the first post. In this Clip, he is doing good work as an AR. As the Clip starts, he's moving laterally with the back defender while checking the throw in. Some quick movement keeps him in line and he switches the flag to his right hand as he's within the penalty area. Play moves up the field, he follows, then ends with a strong and confident direction signal. Only note to make this even better is not quickly look at the flag after the signal, look first and make eye contact with the referee. Overall, well done Curtis.

Briana has been selected to attend the BC Summer Games this summer. OiA was fortunate to see her on a u12 small side game. Watch her confident goal kick signal, then quick movement to restart position. We know you'll do awesome at the Games Briana!

Ryan is a new official, and KSRA is lucky to have him as a member. If you've ever wondered what 'command presence' looks like, check out the next Clip.  Ryan follows play like most officials do. However, his walk is with purpose and he oozes authority. Tough to explain, but you know it when you see it. He makes a strong and confident goal kick signal, then acknowledges and allows a substitution request. He makes what OiA considers a weak sub signal, then training kicks in and he demonstrates a strong signal. Well done Ryan!

And we close with another friend of the show, Rachelle. For the two people who read my blog, you'll remember Rachelle from my May 8 post. At that time it was her second game (ever) as an AR. Has she worked on her skills? Heck yes. Check out the Clip below. Side steps, turns and runs when needed, arms straight by her side, continually checks the off side line and play. Ball crosses the touch line, she checks with the referee and together they signal. Another well done Rachelle!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new title picture!

    (me again)
